There is a petition going around to stop Beyonce from singing at President Barack Obama’s Inauguration. When I initially saw this in my email I thought it was a joke, but then I saw how they had raised over 500 signatures in support to the cause. Lets look at the reasoning behind the petition. What kind of person do we really want on stage representing this momentous event? I personally don’t think anyone who portrays a slutty image should be singing on stage representing the first black president of the United States. This is a huge deal people! This does not happen everyday! Someone who signed the petition raised a good point about President Obama’s young daughters witnessing this event as well. What kind of image do we really want to send out?
I personally feel Jennifer Hudson is an excellent choice, and there were rumors that President Obama personally asked Jennifer to perform. She sends a positive image out to females, and society. Jennifer is not only a beautiful woman, but she also has high morals as well. I heard she turned down several movie deals because she didn’t want to be nude, and send the wrong message to her fans. Now that’s the kind of woman who needs to be singing at this event! I don’t know how everyone feels about this, and I know some people will look at this petition as HATERATION, but let’s think about this on a deeper level.
Is Beyonce really the best choice? Does she send a positive message to young people? She is married to Jay Z. Does he send a positive message? Is Beyonce an attractive talented performer? Yes by all means she is, but is she being a positive role model by dancing around half naked in skimpy outfits? No, and that is the real issue here!
Below is a statement from an Anonymous person who signed the petition. I feel she makes some excellent points.
"10:24 pm PST, Nov 26, C Cg, California
I do not think based on Beyonce's stripper routine dances it would be appropriate for her to perform at the inauguration. It sends the wrong message of what Obama is about. Her style of dancing and choice of wardrobe does not send the right message for young women. There is a difference between being sexy (Janet Jackson)and gyrating around without the proper underwear on while performing (Beyonce). There are too many other female performers out there who did not take the easy way out to advance their career and represent a more positive image for women, Alicia Keys, Corraine Bailey, Leona Lewis, Jennifer Hudson, India Arie, Nancy Wilson, Aretha Franklin, Lena Horne, Patti Labelle... Sorry but you can not have it both ways dance like a $5 stripper on Saturday and sing at the Presidential inauguration on Tuesday. I think he should have female performers that represent the aspirations Obama has for his two daughters."
Say No to Beyonce Petition
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