Has anyone gone to see Will Smith's new movie Seven Pounds? Well if you haven’t I suggest you go see it. I went last night unexpectedly with some new friends I met over the weekend and I absolutely loved it! The guy I was sitting next to said it was a "Chick Flick" and he didn’t like it, but honestly I think you have to go with an open mind. Will Smith did a wonderful job as always, and Rosario Dawson’s character was very heartwarming. I don’t want to give away the movie so I'll just say, the film will teach you a lot about life, love, and sacrifice.
Michael Ealy was looking scrumptious as always, and I couldn’t help but to make a loud moaning noise when he showed up on screen. I felt a little embarrassed but he is oh so fine, and I had no idea he was even in the movie! Too bad he didn’t have a sex scene in there as well, but anyway I think it was a really good movie and I recommend it to everyone. LOL
Shout Out to Sean & Lee for allowing me to tag along! :)
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