So the other day I was on my Say Now account taking calls from some of my many fans! LMAO and I happened to look over to the open call list, and I spotted a familiar name Mr Donell Jones! "You Know Whats Up!" I was like WOW! Mr Juicy lips himself. So I rushed to the phone to call him up, and you wont believe all the groupies that were hyperventilating over the phone during their conversation with Donell! It was quite entertaining to say the least. I loved every minute of it! LOL
When it was my turn to be on the line, I must admit I was somewhat nervous because I didn't have anything to talk about, but to my surprise Donell was very down to earth, and he made me feel completely at ease. He is a cool person, and I enjoyed the conversation we had together. I am looking forward to interviewing him one day on my radio show "LuvOnBlast"
Click on the link below to check out our HOT conversation!
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