Ok, I'm deeply confused. Lil Wayne is now "writing" a blog for ESPN Sports? I thought Lil Wayne said he doesn’t read, and he doesn’t write music. I basically thought from his interviews with XXL that anything relating to literature or writing in general was out of the question for him. If you don’t like to read why would you start writing a blog? Maybe it’s just me, but I think Lil Wayne’s actions contradict his words. I know by now I shouldn’t be surprised by anything Weezy says or does, because half the time he’s sipping on that Sizzurp! LOL but I just had to say something about this because I felt disturbed! I invite you to check out the link below to LIL Wayne’s Blog for ESPN. I read the article for about two minutes and I got an overwhelming headache!
Every other sentence seemed to be jumbled together. It was as if I could hear Weezy slurring his words in every paragraph! LOL Well it’s clear that Wayne is getting plenty of press coverage for this new venture, and despite my personnel opinion I’m sure many of Lil Wayne's fans are backing him on this blog. I honestly enjoy Weezy’s music, however I don’t know if I want to read anymore of his blogs. I don’t find them as entertaining as his song lyrics. I think Wayne should have broadcasted his blogs for ESPN via video such as You Tube or another visual media instead. That is something I would have been interested in. Leave the writing alone especially since you don’t like to read. LOL Performing is what you do best, so why not be more visual with your words?
Seriously, if I tried to get up on stage to RAP I would sound like a fool! That’s why I stick to writing, and FYI I love to read. LOL I feel reading helps you to speak more fluently. Well that again is just my opinion. Honestly I just want to say Wayne’s style is crazy! And I mean that in a good way. He definitely has a unique flow that is unlike any other. Matter of fact one of my favorite songs out right now is, "Mrs. Officer" by Wayne. So please don’t mistake my words. I think Wayne is talented, however sometimes he confuses me during his interviews. I just don’t know how to take him sometimes.
On another note Wayne is also supposed to be staring in an upcoming movie with Bow Wow, and Forest Whitaker tentatively called "Patriots." The movie should be very interesting considering Wayne's personality. I will definitely be going to see this film. Forest Whitaker is an excellent actor, and Bow Wow is a cutie! LOL I wish Weezy much success in his new film. All Information about Wayne’s new movie was obtained from Billboard.com --"Patriots" is based on a true story about a high school basketball team whose players attend five different high schools until Hurricane Katrina leads them to come together and reach the state championships. The flick is directed by Tim Story, and it’s slated to be in theaters November 2008."
(Mariel Concepcion, N.Y. May 2008)

[Editor’s Note: Part one of this interview appears in the October 2008 issue of XXL.]
DT: What are you reading right now to help you…Wayne-I don’t read a damn thing. That’s why I don’t write music. I’m too cool to be reading and writing…I’m a very intelligent ni***. I can read like a motherfu***. I don’t want motherfu**** to think I’m illiterate.
DT: You’re in college so…Wayne-I don’t read, other than that sh**.
DT: But we talking about books for leisure.
Wayne-Nah, I’ve done that like once or twice. It’s just not my thing. I’m not into made-up stories.
DT: You know how people get together and they like, “Yo, you read…”Wayne-I’m not even in that conversation circle. That would be crazy, I can’t answer nothing so why would I sit there and talk? I ain’t read no books. I sit and watch ESPN all day. I can tell you what happened in sports. I do what floats my boat. If you trying to figure out where I get this talk, that’s me. I’m born with that. I don’t have no brothers, no sisters. My brother is 6-years-old. My dad ain’t never had one of those. And the one I called pops, he passed. My momma, she do her cooking thing. I’m an intelligent ni***,. I just refuse to be dumb.
XXL Article Link

BF: In the past couple of years, you’ve won over lots of fans and critics. Your popularity has skyrocketed. What’s your mind-set right now with Tha Carter III coming out?
Wayne- My mind-set is always the same. I’m never there. That’s the mind-set I stay with: You’re never there, until you’re there.
BF: Where is there? Do you mean the top?
Wayne- Who knows? Maybe the top isn’t where I need to be. But I just know one day I will be there. Wherever there should be. That’s what my mind frame is every day: working on getting there. You’re never there.
Full Article!
Wayne’s ESPN Sports Blog!
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