There was a discussion in the chat room the other night about music and how it affects our mental thoughts. I personally agree that music does have an impact on the way we live our life, but I also feel that movies do as well. I think the entertainment industry in a whole can have an impact on people in a negative and positive way. There is rap music that can uplift your spirit, and in turn there is also rap music out there that can make you want to go shoot somebody in the face! It all depends on what or who you choose to listen to. In the end we all make our own personnel choices, and what you listen to or watch is just a seed that is implanted in our head. You don’t have to follow what you see or hear, but I agree it can have some influence on you none the less. That’s why it’s important to filter out what you bring into your life.

There have been times when I listened to sexual music and it made me want to go out and have sex, but I chose not to. Just because I listen to a sexual song that doesn’t mean I’m going to be forced to sleep with someone. I still made the choice to be true to myself. Since I’m more of a visual person however, movies stick in my mind more than music does. For me it’s the visual and the verbal that really gets to my psyche, but even still just because I watch something that doesn’t mean I’m going to follow through with the actions I see.

I choose not to listen to music that is highly negative, and or violent because I don’t want to have negative energy around me or in my thoughts. Everyone has a choice, and it’s not my place to say what is right or what is wrong for any individual person. All I can do is change myself, and make sure I watch and listen to things that will impact my life in a positive way. Sometimes I am guilty of watching violent movies, but I also watch spiritual and positive movies as well, so for me it evens out. There are numerous artists that express their religious beliefs, and they say that they are deeply in touch with god. I know I pray regularly, and for me it’s important to have God in my life, and in my spirit.
Here’s the question...Can you make and or listen to sexual or violent songs/movies, and then turn around and say your a Christian or a Spiritual person? Why or Why not.
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