Recently there has been a big buzz over the free KFC coupon that Oprah is offering. I think this is a great idea especially during this recession we all could use something for free! However as I took the coupon that my coworker handed me I instantly had a flash back of when I was living out of a car with my mother in NY just a few short years ago! Currently I have food to eat and a house to live in, but back then I had none of the above. My mother and I had to sell the car we were living in for food. It was a very trying time in my life and I will never forget how it felt to sleep on a chair in a dirty shelter room filled with strangers!
I encourage everyone who has a coupon for free chicken to give it to a homeless person. They have no home, no heat, and no luxuries that you have. No matter what their situation is you are not on earth to judge them. I am including the link for the free chicken meal. This offer is available from 5/5/09-5/19/09. Just think of how many smiles you can put on someone’s face if you print out 1 coupon a day for the next week and give it to someone in need! You will be rewarded 10x folds I promise you! Please let’s give this food to someone who is less fortunate then ourselves. I know Oprah is always working to help others. Let’s make her proud!!!
Click Below to download the coupon and please pass on the message!
Click Here For Coupon
I received an email link to your blog post and I like what you have to say. It would be a better use of the coupon to give it to someone less fortunate. I'm sending a link to your post on twitter in support of your recommendation.
This week is also Stamp Out Hunger day on Saturday. Let your readers know that they can also leave a grocery bag of perishable items at their mailbox on Saturday and the postal workers will pick them up.
Nice blog! I'll be back.
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