Monday, December 14, 2009

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By: Maya D On: 9:57:00 AM
  • I’ve been thinking about different ways to get money lately because I’m ready to start traveling! Its time for me to go out on the road and promote my radio show, and videos from the East to West Coast on a full time basis! So the question is how do can I go about getting more money to carry out my plans? Of course some of my perverted Subscribes would tell me to go be a Stripper! LMAO but umm NO... that’s not for me. Plus I have young females who look up to me and that’s not the kind of example I want to set for young girls.
    The best advice I can give to anyone who is looking to make enough money in order to be totally independent is to find out what your good at! I truly believe that everyone has special gifts and talents that they were blessed with from birth and you just have to discover what your passion is I.E. what your good at, and then you can make a career out of it!

    All you need to do is believe in yourself, and focus on your dream so you can make it happen. I know that I love to make people laugh, and I have a wild, entertaining personality, and people always tell me that I am easy to talk to. Broadcasting my radio show, LuvOnBlast comes natural to me, and when I go live on the air I always have a good time! Conducting face to face interviews is also exciting to me so I don’t look at it like a job.

    So once you’ve found what you love to do the next step is to figure out how to make an income from it. Well obviously it depends on what your dreams are, but if you want to be in the Entertainment industry like me, then your main goal is to develop your Name, "MizzHotBlaze" and your slogan, "I Make Entertainment HOT!" and then get an audience, I.E. "A Large Group of Fans" People who love what you do, and people who will support you. You have to join as many networking sites as possible, such as... Twitter, Facebook, MySpace etc. and start promoting your craft. Trust me no matter what you do there will be people out there that will enjoy it! There is truly an Audience for Every Type of Talent.

    After you have built your Audience/Fans, and developed a name for yourself you will then need to get sponsors, a website, a manager, a business license etc. Not necessarily in that exact order. The best thing you can do is follow up with some research online. Find articles that specialize in teaching you on “how to build your business”, and get a Mentor who is in the same field as you... That can help allot! If you reach out to enough people trust me there will be at least one person who will love what you’re doing and want to help you. You just need to put your whole heart into what you’re doing and believe in your dreams, and you will be making money doing what you love in no TIME! Just make sure that you trademark your ideas, and protect your projects. You can find more information on the government website below.
    Copyright Office

    I’m still working on completing all the things above myself.
    Things don’t happen over night, but as long as I continue to see the light at the end of the tunnel I know I will get to where I need to be!

    Through it all you will need to... "HAVE FAITH and NEVER GIVE UP! No Matter what people say YOU have to be YOUR OWN Biggest Supporter and FAN!"

