I caught a glimpse of these pictures recently of Kelly Rowland in Milan during Fashion Week 2008. I must say I immediately got a smile on my face when I saw how beautiful Kelly looked, and I had to do a blog about this. Kelly has gone from looking like a young girl to a DIVA! She looks flawless in these pictures, and I am so proud of her. I pray one day soon I can make a come up like this, because I know my look needs some serious improvement! LOL
Lets take a step back shall we? Remember This.........

I personally never liked Kelly in red hair. I don’t think it complemented her at all. I could tell she was attractive, but she never looked sexy to me. I can understand why she wanted to stand out from the other group members in Destiny's Child, especially when Beyonce took all the attention.

In this picture I’m not quite sure what’s going on, but I think Kelly is attempting to look sexy! LOL (That was so wrong of me I know. he he) Seriously though, again the makeup and the red hair is throwing everything off. This whole look just doesn’t say sex appeal, and the shoes......Who dressed her for this shoot anyway? LOL
Now we go back to the present! Let’s look at Kelly's phenomenal transformation.
It's Official! Kelly is all grown up, and she is a force to be reckoned with. She looks like a beautiful sophisticated woman who is ready to take on big things. You Go Girl!

Here is Kelly on stage performing. Look at that Diva Stance. She is working it!

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