Saturday, November 1, 2008

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By: Maya D On: 10:14:00 AM
  • This past month a very tragic incident occurred. Jennifer Hudson's mother (Darnell Donerson), brother (Jason), and 7 year old nephew (Julian King) were all killed. I don’t want to go into detail about this occurrence. I would rather take this time to talk about the precious gift of life. This past June I lost my father to Cancer, so I personally understand how devastating it is to lose a parent. Sometimes we don’t understand or agree with the way things happen in life, but we have to keep moving on. As I look at these beautiful pictures of Jennifer and her mother I think of my mother. I am not always the best daughter. I must admit sometimes I can be a spoiled brat.

    On Friday October 24th, my mother called me and asked if I would like to go see the movie "The Secret Life of Bees", with Jennifer Hudson, Queen Latifah, and Alicia Keyes. I brushed her off and said I’m busy! I have a lot of things I have to do this weekend so I don’t have time to go with you. As I’m sitting here at my desk I'm crying because unlike Jennifer I have the opportunity to talk to my mother on the phone everyday. I can run to her right now, and hold her in my arms. I know Jenn would give anything to have her mother and brother back in her life again. Life is so precious, and often times we take it for granted! No one is promised tomorrow, and it’s so important to tell the people in your life that you love them every single day! Never get off the phone or leave their side with out saying, "I- Love - You" because you never know what the future holds.

    On November 10, 2007 Kayne West lost his mother to cosmetic complications. Something that should have been a simple procedure turned out to be deadly. I can’t imagine how Kayne must have felt when he got the news. You can tell they were very close. Whenever Kayne would take a picture, his mom was never far behind. I know Donda and Darnell are looking down on their children smiling with pride. Its so funny how no matter what you do your parents have unconditional love for you, or at least they should. I know for a fact my mother has sacrificed everything for me, and she loves me no matter what I say or do. With all my heart I want to make her proud of me.

    I find myself even now going through my cell phone and pushing the send button to call my father, and just when I’m about to go through with the call I remember he’s not going to answer. I still haven’t deleted his number from my phone, and I don’t plan to either. It’s like as long as his name is there he’s not really gone. If I lost my mother I honestly don’t know if I would be able to breathe, because she is my life.

    I send my prayers and blessings out to Jennifer and her family, and I also send out strength and love to Kayne and his family as well. I send out my condolences right now to everyone in this world who has ever lost someone they loved. Always remember they may not be walking on this earth with you any longer, but they are still with you in spirit. Your loved ones are in your heart, in your breath, in your soul, and in your thoughts. As long as you love them, they will never be forgotten and they will live on through you forever!

    I LOVE YOU GUS! Thank you for making peace with me before you died. I’m so glad I got to tell you about some of my upcoming projects before you passed away. Just keep on watching over me. I swear I’m gonna make you proud one day!