Saturday, November 1, 2008

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By: Maya D On: 6:43:00 AM

  • Has your relationship gone from this.....

    To this..............

    If the answer is yes, well then maybe you need to reevaluate your relationship.

    I spoke with a young woman this week, and she was telling me about her recent breakup. She said she was sad because her ex broke up with her so he could have more time to focus on his career. He said they still could be friends, but right now he couldn’t give her wanted she needed. For the record I don’t believe that bull-ish for a second! I feel any guy/girl who says they need space to focus on their career is holding something back. Normally you want the support of the person you love, and you welcome the encouragement that they can bring into your life. Now if that person is a hindrance because they are constantly bringing you stress then of course you will want to break up with them! But don’t say it’s because of your career plans, when honestly it's because you feel emotionally overwhelmed by their unsupportive attitude towards your goals for the future.

    After I thought about her situation I responded by saying, "It sounds like there is more to the story, do you think he’s being completely honest with you?" She said yes she felt he was disclosing the whole story and she went on to explain how her ex has a busy schedule between work and school, and he spends all his free time pursuing his upcoming plans. Now what I forgot to ask the female is if she was a nagger, and if she ever found herself complaining about not having enough quality time with her partner. When a man/woman is working on obtaining their goals they need space. If you have a busy career, or a heavy workload make sure you're in a relationship with someone who understands that. If your partner is emotionally draining or too needy you will separate yourself from them in order to focus. COMMUNICATION is number 1! Not everyone can be in a relationship with someone who has a hectic schedule. However, I’m not excusing the lack of attention that you may be experiencing. When someone is important to you, you will make time for them!

    On the flip side I have a male friend who is currently having problems with his woman because she feels he puts his career before their relationship. My friend claims he wants to make it work with her, but he doesn’t know what to do. I asked him if there was anyway he could involve his lady in his upcoming projects, and he said no. This is another issue, COMPROMISE! If this is someone you plan to be with for the long haul why not involve them in your plans? This way they won’t feel so neglected. Now if they don’t want to help, and they only want to complain then to hell with them! But if they genuinely just want to be in your presence, then helping you out with your goals for the future should be an honor.

    In the end it’s all about finding the right one for you. Not everyone is going to fit into your lifestyle or your future. A good partner should be supportive, understanding, and compassionate. If you want to take over the world they should be right by your side cheering you on! But at the same time you have to make time for the things they love also. Support and compassion works both ways. Involve the one you love in the things that bring you joy, because it will make them feel special too. If you honestly feel your current partner doesn’t fit into your future plans then tell them so, don’t give them some stupid lame line about being too busy for a relationship. I don’t care what anybody says, you’re never too busy for LOVE! People only say things like that to avoid confrontation or an argument. The real truth is they don’t want to make time for you, and they are busy dealing with things in life that are of more importance to them.

    I.E. You are no longer the person that takes priority in their life, they’ve lost interest in making things work with you! Again, if you really love someone and you genuinely want to be with them you will find ways to make it work despite the hardships you may endure.

    If you don't want the truth, don't ask MizzHotBlaze!!!